Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why the World Would be More Epic if Xena Were a Craftster

So, how would the world be without plastic bags? Well, it would be cleaner first and less one wallet, second! Well, as of today anyway. After all the trouble I took to make the soda tab curtain in my last blog I've been unable to complete any other projects(hence the lack of bloggies).

I firmly believe that this is the fault of the plastic bag gods who have wanted me to jump on the fused plastic bag bandwagon for some time now. Not that it was difficult, mind you. If nothing else, fusing plastic takes patience and persistence. That wagon is moving pretty damn slow, really.

So, with a will to fuse and an internet connection I journeyed to the great prophet Google to look for guidance to the Way of the Plastic.

Naturally, I found it on Etsy! It wasn't tough to obtain-Etsy is one of the great freely traversed temples of all that is crafty. You may visit the great tome of fusing through this gateway.

On a more serious note, I took too many photos and so, instead of burdening all with a ridiculously long post with a ridiculous amount of pictures, I went the way of the...SLIDESHOW! Enjoy.

In the end I created the Great Wallet of Fuse by sewing together bits of two seperate fused plastic bags. If you'd like to know how I fused the plastic then the knowledge you seek is through the aforementioned Etsy gateway. There are too many teachers of the Way of the Plastic for me to add my paltry beginner's advice.

I hope you enjoy my small bit of brief enlightenment!

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